
Gamblerz Crew

Gamblerz Crew

Gamblerz Crew is a breaking group from South Korea which was found in 2002. The group is popular to have won the Battle of the Year, R-16 Korea, CYON Bboy Championships, and Bucheon Bboy International Championships.

Gamblerz Crew Profile

Founded in 2002
Active Years 2002-present
Group Members Sick, Soul Soy, Bruce Lee, King So, The End, Still, Noodle, Pop, Sun, Blast, Zesty, Furious, Rush, Hound, Kill, Juice Baby, Leap, Gog, Bizy, Nesco, Victorious, and Yell.
Birthday 2000
Genre HipHop, Breaking
Status Active
Leader Sick
Former Member Music, Sebin, Laser, Born, Darkness, Flex, and Rocket.

Gamblerz Crew Facts:Gamblerz Crew

Back in 2002, the first members of Gamblerz Crew, who were initially called Gambler, included B-Boy Darkness, Music, Bruce Lee, Still, and Sebin. B-Boy So (King So) and The End (KYS) were also part of the crew, but they were in specific regions. According to their former leader B-boy Darkness, when B-boy Music, one of the original members, took a break from the crew, B-Boy Darkness decided to change the crew’s name from Gambler to Gamblerz.

However, when B-boy Music, along with B-boy Sebin and B-boy Laser, returned after the break, Darkness, Music, Laser, and Sebin left Gamblerz and started a new group under the old name Gambler. Nowadays, B-boy Sick is leading the present-day Gamblerz crew. In 2016, the crew decided to bring in new members and, for the first time in Korea, they welcomed a foreign member. B-Boy Victor from Brazil, who is now known as Victorious, became a part of the crew.

Titles & Achievements

2003 Be.Bboy Japan
2004 Battle of the Year
2006 BBoy Hodown
2008 R-16 Korea
2009 Battle of the Year
2014 R-16 Korea
2016 BBIC Korea
2018 Lille Battle Pro


Naver Blog:

Gamblerz Crew Members Profile

1. Bboy Sick

Bboy Sick Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Sick (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Sick
Birth Name Jeong Hyeong Sik
Position B-Boy
Birthday February 27th, 1981
Active Years n/a–present
Age 43 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Sick Facts:

Bboy Sick hails from Busan, South Korea. He joined Gamblerz Crew in 2005 and is the current leader of the Crew. He was the founding member of Busan’s bboying crew “Extreme Crew”. He has graduated from Myongji University in the major of Social Education and he currently works as an instructor for dance and practical dance courses at Sejong University. He also passed his judges exams for WDSF in 2021 and joined the national team as voach for Hangzhou Asian Games 2022. He is known for his high level flexible moves.

Instagram: sickgamblerz
Youtube: comeseeking
Facebook: sick.gamblerz

 2. Bboy Soul Soy

Bboy Soul Soy Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Soul Soy (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Soul Soy
Birth Name Lee Jun Hak
Position B-Boy
Birthday March 22nd, 1984
Active Years n/a–present
Age 40 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 170 cm (5’5”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Soul Soy Facts:

Bboy Soul Soy is a B-Boy from South Korea who’s not only into dancing but also involved in planning cultural activities. He graduated from Sangmyung Graduate School in the major of Performing Arts. One of his impressive moves is called the “hollow bag.” He became a member of Gamblerz Crew back in 2003. When he used to compete as a b-boy, he was famous for being really skilled at a move called the “one-finger battle.”

Instagram: gamblerz_leejunhak
Facebook: GamblerzSoulsoy

3. Bboy Bruce Lee

Bboy Bruce Lee Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Bruce Lee (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Bruce Lee
Birth Name Shin Kyu Sang
Position B-Boy
Birthday January 15th, 1985
Active Years n/a–present
Age 39 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height 179 cm (5’8”)
Weight 85 kg (187 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Bruce Lee Facts:

Bboy Bruce Lee hails from Bongcheon-dong, South Korea. He graduated from Sung High School. He is one of the founding members of Gamblerz Crew. He was born as a short legged boy weighing only 2.6 kg and used to be a skinny and short kid till he started bboying. He used to do taekwondo and played soccer in the 6th grade. His speciality lies in Air track and reverse nine.
Read more facts about Bboy Bruce Lee

Instagram: gamblerzbrucelee
Youtube: bruceleetv
Twitter: gamblerbrucelee
Facebook: kyusang.shin

4. Bboy King So

Bboy King So Gamblerz Crew
Bboy King So (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name King So
Birth Name So Jae Hwan
Position B-Boy
Birthday October 25th, 1983
Active Years 1997–present
Age 41 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type B

Bboy King So Facts:

Bboy King So hails from Ulsan Metropolitan City, South Korea. He is also one of the founding members of Gamblerz Crew and also represents the “Kai Crew” based in Ulsan. He started bboying in middle school in 1997 and formed the Kai Crew in 1999. He is also a CEO to Kai Company and worked as a domestic referee for “Breaking K” in 2022 and 2023. He was appointed as the national team coach for Hangzhou Asian Games in 2022 and Paris Olympics 2024.

Instagram: kingso97
Youtube: KingSo97
TikTok: kingso97
Facebook: bboykingso

5. Bboy The End

Bboy The End Gamblerz Crew
Bboy The End (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name The End
Birth Name Kim Yeon Soo
Position B-Boy
Birthday January 2nd, 1987
Active Years 1999–present
Age 38 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height 177 cm (5’8’’)
Weight 69 kg (152 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O

Bboy The End Facts:

Bboy The End is a professor who teaches practical dance at Hanyang University’s Human Resources Education Center and a member of Gamblerz Crew. His stage name, “The End,” reflects his powerful moves that seem like the final act in a dance battle. At first, he went by the initials “KYS,” but during his first international competition, he performed so well that people started calling him ‘The End’ because it felt like he was the finishing touch of the competition. He’s really good at moves like Thomas, Nineteen, and Elbow Spin, which he specializes in. Read more about Bboy The End

Instagram: bboy_the_end
Youtube: bboytheendtheend7545

6. Bboy Still

Bboy Still Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Still (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Still
Birth Name Park Ji Hoon
Position B-Boy, General Manager
Birthday 2000
Active Years 2013–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Italian
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Still Facts:

Bboy Still is a general manager of Gamblerz Crew. He graduated with a bachelors degree from Konkuk University and a Masters degree from Korea National University of Arts. In the early 2000s, he was famous as an Ulzzang B-Boy. He is currently incharge of hosting on the official youtube channel of Gamblerz Crew. His MBTI type is INFP and he got married on June 6th, 2022.

Instagram: gamblerz_bboy_actor_still
Youtube: bboygamblerz
Facebook: jihoon.park.7

7. Bboy Noodle

Bboy Noodle Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Noodle (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Noodle
Birth Name Hong Seong Sik
Position B-Boy
Birthday May 7th, 1984
Active Years 1997–present
Age 39 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 174 cm (5’7”)
Weight 76 kg (167 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type  B

Bboy Noodle Facts:

Bboy Noodle started his breaking journey in 1997 and used to practice in several locations including Uiwang House of Culture. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Anyang Technical High School. B-Boy Noodle and his brother B-Boy Pop’s parents were initially not happy with their choice. But as they kept following their passion and got into high school, their parents slowly changed their minds. At the beginning of his b-boy adventure, he began as a backup dancer for the NEWEST CREW. However, in 2005, he joined the Gamblerz Crew. Read more about Bboy Noodle

Instagram: noodle_gamblerz
Youtube: gamblernoodle

8. Bboy Pop

Bboy Pop Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Pop (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Pop
Birth Name Hong Seong Jin
Position B-Boy
Birthday February 19th, 1986
Active Years 1998–present
Age 38 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 178 cm (5’8”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type B

Bboy Pop Facts:

Bboy Pop started breaking in 1998 because of his older brother B-Boy Noodle. He joined Gamblerz Crew in 2004, the same year Gamblerz Crew won the Battle of the Year. B-Boy Pop also worked as a DJ and has been running a club since 2016. He was famous for his good looks in Gamblerz Crew and once approached by the JYP himself to become a trainee under JYP Entertainment to become an idol, however, he declined. He is known for his cricket, jackhammer, planche, and one handed holding techniques. Read more about Bboy Pop

Instagram: gamblerzcrewpop
Facebook: bboypop

9. Bboy Ssun

Bboy Ssun Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Ssun (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Ssun
Birth Name Park Seon Hak
Position B-Boy
Birthday January 8th, 1984
Active Years n/a–present
Age 41 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Ssun Facts:

Bboy Ssun is a member of Gamblerz Crew however, he is currently residing in LA, USA since 2010. 

Instagram: ssun_fit 

10. Bboy Blast

Bboy Blast Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Blast (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Blast
Birth Name Cho Jae Young
Position B-Boy
Birthday May 22nd, 1986
Active Years n/a–present
Age 38 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Height 174 cm (5’7”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type AB

Bboy Blast Facts:

Bboy Blast is a member of Gamblerz Crew and is currently working as a social worker. He passed his first class social worker certification exam in 2021. He used to be called “Believe” till 2005 and changed it to “Blast” from 2006 onwards. His MBTI type is ENFJ and his popular moves includes Cool Thomas and Double Halo.

Instagram: gamblerz_blast
Youtube: gamblerblast
Facebook: gamblerblast

11. Bboy Zesty

Bboy Zesty Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Zesty (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Zesty
Birth Name Lim Seok Yong
Position B-Boy
Birthday March 15th, 1988
Active Years 2001–present
Age 36 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type B

Bboy Zesty Facts:

Bboy Zesty is a B-Boy in Gamblerz Crew but he is currently working as a DJ. He first got to know about breaking when he was in middle school. He saw some boys doing moves in a local festival and instantly felt the urge to carry out the same moves. In 2005, after auditioning for the Gamblerz Crew, he joined the crew. His MBTI type in INFP and his speciality lies in extreme shoulder spin.

Instagram: zesty_fresh_
Youtube: gamblerzesty
Facebook: gamblerzesty
Soundcloud: zesty88

12. Bboy Furious

Bboy Furious Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Furious (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Furious
Birth Name Baek Seungwan
Position B-Boy
Birthday June 8th, 1988
Active Years n/a–present
Age 36 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Height 174 cm (5’7”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Furious Facts:

Bboy Furious is also working as a bodybuilder. He’s been taking part in several bodybuilder competitions. During his early days, he used to dance with B-Boy Rush and followed him in joining Gamblerz Crew. In 2022, he launched hsi own street fashion brand “Fadeless Flower”. His speciality in breaking lies in elbow chair spins, Thomas, and one handed elbow track.

Instagram: bryanback_1988
Youtube: bryanBack

13. Bboy Rush

Bboy Rush Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Rush (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Rush
Birth Name Choi Dong Wook
Position B-Boy
Birthday May 25th, 1988
Active Years n/a–present
Age 36 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O

Bboy Rush Facts:

Bboy Rush joined the Gamblerz Crew in 2003 and since then he’s been active in the crew. He is excellent in physical strength, beat killing skills, and freeze techniques. His speciality lies in two handed elbow pop, scissor spin, and air baby freeze. B-Boy Rush is an ESFJ type. He enjoys many different hobbies like boxing and making jokes. In the Gamblerz Crew, he’s really good at playing table tennis compared to the others. Read more about Bboy Rush

Instagram: bboyrush88
Youtube: bboyrushify
TikTok: bboyrush88
Facebook: rushgamblerz
Threads: bboyrush88
Naver Blog: blog.naver

14. Bboy Hound

Bboy Hound Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Hound (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Hound
Birth Name Jang Soo Yong
Position B-Boy, Editor
Birthday August 2nd, 1984
Active Years n/a–present
Age 40 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Leo
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type


Bboy Hound Facts:

Bboy Hound started bboying in his first year of middle school. He was inspired by  B-Boy Kujo, when he saw his performance on MTV. He has the responsibility of the editor for the Youtube channel of Gamblerz Crew “Gamtube”. He worked at Lotte World for three years and met B-Boy Bruce Lee at that time. He once quit dancin gdue to financial reasons when he was in his early teens and then started again after seeing dance videos. 

Instagram: gmbz_houndizm
Youtube: GamblerzHound
Facebook: Bboyhound

15. Bboy Kill

Bboy Kill Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Kill (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Kill
Birth Name Park In Soo
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Kill Facts:

Bboy Kill’s journey into breaking dance began in 2005, and by 2007, he was focusing on power moves. He joined Gamblerz Crew in 2009. In 2021, Kill did really well in Breaking K Finals and got fourth place. This made him get chosen for the big Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games. People loved his impressive Thomas Flair 10-move combo, and that’s when the #killchallenge started trending. Kill is getting ready for the Olympic Games and is currently ranked 22nd on the list to qualify with 1010 points. Read more about Bboy Kill

Instagram: gamblerzkill

16. Bgirl Juice Baby

Bgirl Juice Baby Gamblerz Crew
Bgirl Juice Baby (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Juice Baby
Birth Name Seo Hye Mi
Position B-Girl
Birthday June 7th, 1985
Active Years n/a–present
Age 39 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bgirl Juice Baby Facts:

Bgirl Juice Baby is a member of Gamblerz Crew.

17. Bboy Leap

Bboy Leap Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Leap (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Leap
Birth Name Kim Eung Hyeok
Position B-Boy
Birthday February 27th, 1995
Active Years 2006–present
Age 29 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Leap Facts:

Bboy Leap started breaking in 6th grade with his friends. He became part of the Gamblerz Crew in 2009 when he was just 15 years old. B-Boy Leap is really good at a move called Air Chair Freeze and Air Glide. His MBTI type is INFP.

Instagram: gamblerz_leap
Youtube: TheBboyleap
Facebook: gamblerz.leap

18. Bboy Gog

Bboy Gog Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Gog (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Gog
Birth Name Lee Gyu Jin
Position B-Boy
Birthday February 7th, 2000
Active Years 2013–present
Age 24 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 179 cm (5’8”)
Weight 75 kg (165 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Gog Facts:

Bboy Gog started breaking in 2013 when he was in his first year of middle school. He joined Gamblerz Crew in 2017 and appeared on KBS 2TV’s “Dancing High” in 2018. His stage name “Gog” represents “G” from his birth name ‘Gyujin’ and “OG” for Original. He used to be a track and field athlete and could cover 100m in 13 seconds. His speciality lies in footwork, pluto, and flowing flow.

Instagram: gog_lee
Facebook: gu8191
Threads: gog_lee

19. Bboy Bizy

Bboy Bizy Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Bizy (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Bizy
Birth Name Jung Ji Hoon
Position B-Boy
Birthday December 12th, 2000
Active Years n/a–present
Age 24 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O

Bboy Bizy Facts:

Bboy Bizy hails from Daegu, South Korea. B-Boy Bizy became a trainee in Gamblerz Crew through an audition held in April and May of 2022. He became the official member in November 2022. His MBTI type in ENFP.

Instagram: bizy_00
Facebook: bizy

20. Bboy Nesco

Bboy Nesco Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Nesco (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Nesco
Birth Name Choi Chan Bae
Position B-Boy
Birthday June 21st, 1993
Active Years n/a–present
Age 31 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 176 cm (5’7”)
Weight 73 kg (160 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A

Bboy Nesco Facts:

Bboy Nesco hails from Cheonan, South Korea and graduated from Hanlim Entertainment High School. B-Boy Nesco is a part of Gamblerz Crew. He stands out for having all the physical qualities that a b-boy needs, like being strong, bendy, and stretchy. He’s really good at switching between big moves that need a lot of muscle power, and because his arms and legs are long, he shows a style that’s not often seen in Asian b-boys in a very effortless manner. 

Instagram: nesco
Facebook: Bboy_nesco

21. Bboy Victorious

Bboy Victorious Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Victorious (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Victorious
Birth Name Victor Carvalho
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Brazilian
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Victorious Facts:

Back in 2016, the Gamblerz Crew decided to find new members and did some tests. They welcomed a new member from a different country for the first time in Korea. This person was Victor Carvalho from Brazil, and now he’s more famous as Victorious. 

Instagram: victorcarvalho8 

22. Bgirl Yell

Bgirl Yell Gamblerz Crew
Bgirl Yell (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Yell
Birth Name Kim Yeri
Occupation B-Girl
Birthday 2000
Active Years 2014–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bgirl Yell Facts:

Bgirl Yell was 16 years old when she began her journey into breaking dance. At the beginning, her parents, especially her mother who was a school teacher, were a bit worried about her choice to do breaking. But she didn’t give up and practiced every day until she turned 15. When she was 17, her mother finally agreed and let her take proper classes in a studio to learn breaking and she joined Gamblerz Crew through an audition. Right now, she’s getting ready for the Paris Olympics in 2024, and she’s ranked 35th with 800 points. Read more about Bgirl Yell

Instagram: yell_yeri_kim
Youtube: YellBgirl
TikTok: yellyerikim
Facebook: yerikim.aka.yel

Former Members Profile

23. Bboy Music

Bboy Music Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Music (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Music
Birth Name Kim Jeong Dae
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type


Bboy Music Facts:

Bboy Music used to lead Reverse Crew and then created Gamblerz Crew in 2002. But by about 2006, he left Gamblerz Crew.

24. Bboy Sebin

Bboy Sebin Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Sebin (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Sebin
Birth Name Oh Sebin
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Korean
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Sebin Facts:

Bboy Sebin became well-known for his unique move called the one-handed pop. He became a part of Gamblerz Crew when it was formed in 2002, and at that time, he was in another crew named ‘crew’. However, he left Gamblerz Crew around 2004 and continued his dance journey with Maximum Crew. As time went on, he got involved with theater performances, and this led him to discover yoga. Now, he’s become a yoga expert and shares updates about his life on Instagram. He’s often seen practicing yoga with Tazo.

Instagram: sebin_flow 

25. Bboy Laser

Bboy Laser Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Laser (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Laser
Birth Name Lee Kwang Seon
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Laser Facts:

Bboy Laser together with B-Boy Boom, he became really well-known for being the top expert in head spins during that era. After being part of a project called ‘Dreams’ with B-Boy Bruce Lee, he became one of the original members of Gamblerz Crew when it was formed in 2002. But around 2006, he left Gamblerz Crew and there hasn’t been any news about him since then.

26. Bboy Born

Bboy Born Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Born (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Born
Birth Name Yulhyeon
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Born Facts:

Bboy, Born had such an incredible style that almost everyone agrees he had the most significant impact on Korean B-Boys. Following a suggestion from B-Boy Music, he was part of Gamblerz Crew for a short time, specifically from BOTY 2003 to Freestyle Session Japan 2003. After this, B-Boy Born left Gamblerz Crew and started a new crew called Super Chair Crew. In 2022, he had an encounter and an interview with B-Boy Bruce Lee in New York.

Instagram: bornoner
Youtube: bornieborn1

27. Bboy Darkness

Bboy Darkness Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Darkness (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Darkness
Birth Name Jang Kyung Ho
Position B-Boy
Birthday 2000
Active Years n/a–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Darkness Facts:

Bboy Darkness joined Gamblerz Crew in their early days. He was the first champion in the arm wrestling contest hosted by “Power Zone” cafe. He left Gamblerz Crew in 2008 and since then he worked as an interviewer and broadcaster. In 2022, it was said that he was living in Busan and doing something other than breaking and dance. Recently, he appeared in JTBC’s arm wrestling survival entertainment program “Over The Top”.

Instagram: bboy.darkness 

28. Bboy Flex

Bboy Flex Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Flex (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Flex
Birth Name Hwang Jung Woo
Position B-Boy
Birthday May 13th, 1988
Active Years n/a–present
Age 36 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 180 cm (5’9”)
Weight 72 kg (158 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Bboy Flex Facts:

Bboy Flex is known for his smooth and flexible dance moves. He became a member alongside B-Boy Rush in the second phase. He took part in and emerged victorious in BOTY 2004 as a member of Gamblerz Crew. Following that, he left Gamblerz Crew and is presently is the leader of Fusion MC.

Instagram: flex_fusionmc

29. Bboy Rocket

Bboy Rocket Gamblerz Crew
Bboy Rocket (Gamblerz Crew Members)
Stage Name Rocket
Birth Name Kim Gi Soo
Position B-Boy
Birthday n/a
Active Years n/a–present
Age n/a (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign n/a
Height n/a
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type


Bboy Rocket Facts:

Bboy Rocket used to go by the name “Cosmic Rocket” in the past. He became part of Gamblerz Crew in 2009. He took part in “Dancing 9” Season 2 and Season 3 alongside B-Boy  Noodle, Bruce Lee, and Kill. He’s a creator and actively involved in the scene. From 2017, he has been operating a dance academy in Dongtan. In 2021, he left Gambler Crew to focus on managing the dance academy. Read more about Bboy Rocket 

YoutubeBboy Rocket


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Bgirl Lexi

Hey there! I am BGirl Lexie, and I'm on a mission to uncover and share the inspiring stories of the incredible Bboys and Bgirls who make the world of breaking come alive!
